As I mentioned last time, while I was pining away for the unattainable cover, I availed myself of Tony’s photographic services. I put on this red dress......which had been hanging in my closet. I mean really just hanging in my closet; I don’t think I’ve ever even worn the thing. It was early evening and great light, so we went down our hill to the meadow where interesting things were beginning to crop up, enough to tickle the ankles but no mean nettles or anything. (If you live in Vermont you might not have much call for a red dress, but you could well have a meadow.) He zoomed in to get the fabric and zoomed out to get me (my About Me photo is from this run) and then sent the best to Amy so that she could work her magic.
Amy speaks a language on the computer that I could never understand and she adjusted and reshaped the image so that, to our eyes, it looked right with the text (and chaise). There were a few interruptions—her adorable daughters came in to present her with a chain of daffodils and later a lilac bouquet—but despite these rather fetching distractions we were done in no time. And here it is:What do you think of it? The amazing thing about the technology we’re using is that I can try out a cover, and if I decide to change it I can. But let’s not even think about that possibility….This cover makes you want to run out and buy this book, right?
This blog has ended.....
12 years ago